25 Thoughts On My 25th Birthday

25 Thoughts On My 25th Birthday

I moved away from my home when I was 19 just after my graduation from high school ( different education system) since then I have been figuring out life on my own in one of the largest city in the UK. Navigating from my first job ever to an actual adult position, buying a house while making it to our home, and everything between these past years was nothing else as just full of life lessons and eye-opening experiences. 

Today I'm turning 25, which is quite a milestone in life, right? From today I will be soon to be closer to 30 than to 20. But, let's think positive, I have learned plenty of lessons while balancing my commitments as a young adult, so today I'm here to share with you all what I have learnt in my past 25 years. 

To read my birthday blog post from last year click here.

1. Always Dream Big.
Do everything you can to make it possible. I have always been a dreamer, and that helped me through my life so far. I know that I'm going to do even more of it in the future.

2. Have ambition.
Make goals. Take small steps to archive them. 

3. Believe In Yourself.
Never give up on anything that you really want to achieve. Give yourself some credit!

4. Take control.
Control your life. Things might happen to you that is not in your plans, but it's up to you how you react and handle them.

5. Have a plan.
If you read my blog regularly, you know that I’m a list writer. Always have, always been will be. Plans are everything for me because I feel like I'm in control. I write plans of plans and when there’s no plan, I get really upset. No, I am not saying to figure it out from A till Z, but it's good to have a plan even if you have only one.

6. If you lose control, don't freak out.
I know hard it is because I try so hard to map out my life, but that's not how life works.
 Everything happens for a reason. Just roll with it. Rewrite your plan.

7. Get rid of negativity.
Don’t let negativity get you down. If there’s negativity in your life, get rid of it. ASAP.

8. Think positive.
Avoid Negative Self-Talk. "I can't do it, I will never follow through, others are better than I am." STOP. Positive thinking can take effort, just keep practising.

9. Don't give up.
Like any goal, the key is to stick with it for the long-term. Practise, practise and never give up.

10. Appreciate.
Appreciate what you have and who you have in your life. Surround yourself with people who love who you are and appreciate you.

11. Trust, but don't be naive.
Be open and kind to others, but don't let them take advantage of it. People will hurt you, and it's okay just learn something from it even though it is something small.

12. One friend.
It's better to have one friend who you can trust and rely on than to have a large group of people you know.

13. Listen.
Listen to others opinion, but don't lose your own voice. Don't let them influence your own. Be yourself no matter what.

14. Be selfish.
Always put yourself first and do what is best for you. I'm not saying to be a jerk, look out for others and treat everyone with respect, but you come first!

15. Alone time.
Always make time for yourself, just you on your own. It’s a good time to reflect, recharge and just breathe. I love taking long baths with bath bombs and candles.

16. Be happy.
Do what makes you happy. If you are not happy with how your life is going, change it. Only you have the power to do that!

17. Be open and be spontaneous.
Try new things. It’s one of the best learning experiences life has to offer.

18. Love your body.
Take care of yourself and your body. You only get one! Believe me, the gym is a fantastic place. It’s made a massive difference in my anxiety management.

19. Ignore the haters.
Some people will try to put you down to make themselves feel better. Just forget those people.

20. Don't be afraid.
It’s not easy to put yourself out there. Taking the first step out of your comfort zone takes guts. I know from my personal experiences, but it gets easier every time and don't forget amazing things won't happen to you if you stay in your comfort zone.

21. Change.
I'm one of the biggest criticism you will meet.I'm a huge critic of my own work, my actions other people actions. I don't love this about myself, but I'm proud of it. Proud because I can recognise this and I have the mentality to change.

22. Learn.
Keep learning, because what you learn nobody can take it away from you and this will help you to grow to be a better version of yourself.

23. You know the best.
Don't let other people, even your family and friends to influence you with their opinions and ideas about your life. Often happened with me before that people thought they know what's best for me... but they could not have been more wrong.

24. Be strong.
Don't be upset, stay strong. Even though it is hard sometimes, you can handle anything the world throws at you.

25. Let it go.
Let the little things go. When you have an argument with someone, it's on your mind for hours, but you know it is not worth the time or the energy, so just let it go.
This is something I'm still learning too.

So there you go, 25 thoughts on my 25th birthday.

Happy birthday to me and to everyone else who celebrates their birthday today.

 Would love to hear your life lessons in the comment below.

See you next time!

P.S.: If you are confused by the ballon number 2 just check out my Instagram: @delilapipoly for my latest post.


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